Fillmore County District Court
Court Type: | District Court |
State: | NE |
County: | Fillmore |
Street Address: | 900 G St. |
City: | Geneva |
Zip Code: | 68361 |
Phone: | 402-759-3811 |
Fax: | 402-759-4440 |
Hours: | Monday - Friday: 8:00AM - 5:00PM |
Website URL: | |
Judge: | Hon. Rick Schreiner |
Judge Phone: | 402-223-1332 |
Judge Fax / Email: | |
Clerk: | Peggy Birky |
Clerk Phone: | 402-759-3811 |
Clerk Fax: | 402-759-4440 |
Clerk Email: | |
Forms & Filing: | |
Dockets / Schedule / Calendar: | |
Jury Service: | |
Languages: | English |
Twitter: | |
About / Additional Info: | The District Courts are trial courts of general jurisdiction and are organized into 12 judicial districts to serve all 93 counties in the state. The District Court has concurrent jurisdiction with County Courts. However, the District Court primarily hears all felony criminal cases, equity cases, domestic relations cases and civil cases involving more than $53,000.00. It also functions as an appellate court in deciding appeals from county courts and various administrative agencies. |
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