Burt County District Court

Court Type:District Court
Street Address:111 N. 13th St.
Zip Code:68061
Hours:Monday - Friday: 8:00AM - 4:30PM
Website URL:https://burtcounty.ne.gov/webpages/district_court/district_court.html
Judge:Hon. John E. Samson
Judge Phone:402-426-6808
Judge Fax / Email:
Clerk:Michele Quick
Clerk Phone:402-374-2905
Clerk Fax:402-374-2906
Clerk Email:michele.quick@nebraska.gov
Forms & Filing:https://www.nebraska.gov/attorney/
Dockets / Schedule / Calendar:https://www.nebraska.gov/courts/calendar/index.cgi
Jury Service:https://supremecourt.nebraska.gov/programs-services/jury-service
About / Additional Info:The District Courts are trial courts of general jurisdiction and are organized into 12 judicial districts to serve all 93 counties in the state. Burt County is in the Sixth Judicial District which also includes Cedar, Dakota, Dixon, Dodge, Thurston, and Washington counties. District Courts have original jurisdiction in all felony cases, equity cases, domestic relations cases, and civil cases where the amount in controversy involves more than $53,000. They also have appellate jurisdiction in certain matters arising out of county court and serve as appellate courts in administrative appeals, where they review the record of testimony and evidence from the lower court or tribunal and issue an opinion and ruling in the case. Decisions of the District Court may be appealed to the Nebraska Court of Appeals and/or to the Nebraska Supreme Court.